Coming to Visit

We desire that all who would like to join us for our services would feel comfortable and welcome. Everyone feels a bit uncomfortable when they enter a new place. Here are a few things to know about us…

Church Services

Our services are as follows:

Sunday, 9:30 am – Sunday school classes for all ages
Sunday, 10:45 am – Sunday Worship Service & Children’s Church
Sunday, 6:00 pm – Interactive study – presently studying church history
Wednesday, 6:30 pm – Psalm & a Prayer Service (devotional from the Psalms followed by corporate prayer)

What to Expect

We are diverse in age and backgrounds, so you will see people dressed from suits and dresses to jeans. Feel free to come dressed in a manner which you are comfortable and are able to honor God. We have many different tastes in music, but we mostly sing hymns and a few praise choruses in our services. The flow of the service follows traditional Baptist orders of service. The people are warm and caring – even if the weather gets to be a bit cold.

You will experience a gathering of believers in Jesus Christ who are earnestly striving to grow in our faith together as a community, a family. We have each received the grace and mercy of Jesus in having our sins forgiven and being brought into relationship with God the Father. We get to join in sharing that grace and mercy with one another and expressing it to our community.